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Everything posted by Willbeto

  1. Hello, I want to do a full automatic draconium armor with all max amelioration so I do it, and after I want to automate to place the armor, staff and bow in a draconium chest, so I do it but when the breaker broke the draconium chest, the draconium chest remove all the item in it. So I lose a full max armor, max staff and max bow. Can you help me please. I put creswand because I don't have a craft of creswand so I ask a creswand and after I modify the pattern with the real result. I let in the pattern terminal, the pattern, you can see it was a full max armor staff and bow My location : x : 5898 z: 1343 y: 41
  2. Hello, The serv lag and i destroy my base with my staff.. I managed to have all my 64k safe but the other block disapear
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