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Everything posted by princessbinas

  1. I will definitely edit next time something like this happens. I will also give that setup a try when I get online later. Can you tell me a bit how the setup works? I haven't used the ME Wireless Access Point before and this is my first time using the ME Security Terminal.
  2. I appreciate the rollback, but I had already poured a bunch of resources into not only replacing the lost ME but upgrading the whole ME storage system with a bunch of Black Hole Units and Controllers (four Black Hole Controllers and 28ish Black Hole Units) and much more after Friday at 8:00PM. So, this is really awkward. Can the rollback be undone or is a refund request needed to be made? Also, it is not just the ME Inscriber popping. It is also my Advance Inscribers. And they were doing this prior to the Security Terminal.
  3. I did not know that. It was not explicitly mentioned anywhere from my knowledge. Huh, I will take a look at it when I log on. How much range does it have? Any limits on the number of BetterChunkLoader Chunk Loaders?
  4. I have had many issues with the chunk loader Weirding Gadget from The Weirding Gadget mod (they keep despawning/disappearing on me whenever I logout or forced off by a server reboot/restart), so I am here to suggest another chunk loading mod called ChickenChunks. I have yet to have an issue with ChickenChunk's Chunk Loader. You are able to configure its field of operation both on the user side and server side (meaning admins can set the maximum size that players can set their Chunk Loader to). This theoretically means that players can place less chunk loaders at their bases (potentially even only having one Chunk Loader per player if they like keeping their base either small or only expand their base vertically). If the Weirding Gadget causes lag, this would theoretically reduce lag caused by having multiple Chunk Loaders from The Weirding Gadget (which I have noticed is not a good chunk loader at all in comparison to the ChickenChunks Chunk Loader). If you guys are able to add the ChickenChunks Chunk Loader to the server, please do so. If not, I would not mind hearing the reasoning behind the reason(s) why it cannot be added.
  5. Your Name: princessbinasIsland Owner Name: princessbinasCoordinates: About 5871, -9993, 65Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): In between Yesterday at 10PM and This Morning at 12AM CSTDescription of Issue: I was going to where my ME Drives are located to grab some silver amber when I saw that one of my ME Drives was gone along with the storage cells (along with the items in said cells) in it. The cells were not even full (they were giving green and yellow-orange lights, not red while inserted into the ME Drive). I have no idea how this had happened at all. All I know is that yesterday my Advanced Inscribers for AE2 had mysteriously popped out of place and sat on the ground as if someone had mined them. I am not sure what is going on with my island. Only the AE2 machines seem to be doing this.Screenshots (Optional): https://imgur.com/a/sHcTGFC
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