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Everything posted by MrTNTPlayz

  1. I have accidentally tagged 2 ppl items due to invsee.
  2. My tier 3 computer case got replaced with a creative one, its unbreakable image: https://imgshare.io/image/NlfNHS And i also need help because theres a invisible enderdragon in my base Base coords: -12027 65 -1262
  3. You had a creative FluxMagnet the items probably glitched so they became invisible the magnet can help
  4. Your Name: MrTNTPlayzItem Name + ID + Amount: 1 mystic key 1 Crystal Growth ChamberCoordinates: -12033 65 -1281 SkyFactory4Description of Issue: I wanted to show others that i got a mystic key, i went back to spawn to get some iron (they went to their islands), and came back it was gone. And the Crystal Growth Chamber just vanishedScreenshots (Optional):
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