So I've been playing on this server for a week or so now but after last night, i was exploring the night before and i logged off and got on yesterday morning and /home'd and it instantly crashed the server and every attempt to join has led to the server restarting and a "disconnected" message for me and I've tried the unstuck package and clear effects when that didn't work I've no idea if they're even going through cause even after trying them twice i still am not able to log in and the log from the crafters land launcher provides no real reason for my disconnection no warnings and certainly no error messages. i was wondering if anyone could assist in helping me out cause i was enjoying the new mods and version of minecraft. so i'd apriciate if someone could try running a forced tpa to spawn like the unstuck package or something to that effect just to be sure its my player not where i am and if that doesn't work i guess id like my player data wiped cause it must be something on my player and I've a feeling i might know what it was that must of started acting up after a restart.