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Everything posted by BeiLier

  1. Please, it is 5 days already. I cannot process the game without new base.
  2. Thank you for your detailed answer. I'm looking forward for the evaluate result.
  3. Account Name: BeiLierRank: Sponsor+Requested: Add a Schemactic file into server's schematic folder. %server%/config/worldedit/schematicsReason for Request* I cannot load the schematic file from local folder. Please add the file into server's folder so I can '//schem load' it and paste it. Thank you! beautiful-sky-tower.schematic
  4. I have access to the commands, thank you
  5. Please remove that spam text. So annoying while chatting with people. Easily to lost track of the story.
  6. Agree that the map still have plenty of spot to build, not very laggy. But, there a abandoned bases everywhere. It is hurt when fly over these big beautiful base just to know the player who have built it is no more playing. SO, I support the Wipe Idea
  7. Support the idea. But draconic gate have the same use?
  8. If you move your key during Creative mode, it will count as U spawned the key in.
  9. This is the schematic file I'm going to paste.
  10. Account Name: BeiLierRank: Sponsor+Requested Commands^: World Edit CommandReason for Request*: To get rid of my old base and paste in my new dream base. Also request Discord VIP role. (See image) **Question**: I see the rule of abuse. But still a little bit confuse. Do the following actions count as abuse? Please answer with 1) Yes/no ; 2) Yes/No; ... Yes = Allowed No= Not allowed 1) Sell my old base to other players (my old base have 2 main buildings) because I spawned a new ones in. (This will only happen one time) Yes/No 2) My friend and brother want to join with me, can I spawn for him/her a small/medium size Schematic base? (This happen maximum 2 times) Yes/No 3) Flat a big area ( bigger than my claimable blocks) to spawn in my base, will not effect other players territories. Yes/No 4) Can the server able to handle a huge Schematic when I paste it in?
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