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gueritol last won the day on November 16 2022

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gueritol's Achievements

  1. Your Name: gueritol Item Name + Amount: 1x Basic Miner 1x Basic Combustion Generator (LV) 1x Personal Anchor 2x Aluminium Tank 1x Iron Chest 1x Wooden Fluid Pipe 1x Electric Pump (LV) 96x Mining Pipe Coordinates: -14, 361, 60 of mining world Description of Issue: World was reset with the upgrade and I had a small mining setup going there. Screenshots (Optional):
  2. Your Name: gueritol Town Name: MDAG Coordinates: 881,1196,78 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Saturday?Sunday? (13th or 14th ... the last time that kid logged in) Description of Issue: My filing cabinet where I keep all my potions is empty. Can that be the only item is rolled back? or is the whole chunk? Screenshots (Optional):
  3. I meant that I build a simple monster spawner! ... using those items. Thanks!
  4. Your Name: gueritol Item Name + Amount: 4x Diamond spikes 1x Vacuum hopper 3x Iron chest 2x wooden chest 1x Diamond tank 5x Item conduit (enderio) 1x Basic Item Filter 2x cursed earth (also in the end I had a simple spawner @ -31,-53, 60) 4x fan (open blocks) 4x levers Coordinates: -569, -660, 55 in the nether Description of Issue: I was not aware nether was going to be reset. I created a spawner area for wither skeleton heads. My guess it was done with the mining world reset (on that world I did remove all my stuff ). Next time I know that alongside the mining world also the nether and end is reset. Hope its ok to be refunded. Screenshots (Optional):
  5. Your Name: gueritol Town Name: MDAG Coordinates: 895,1216,72->880,1221,76 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Saturday 12 Nov Description of Issue: All kitchen inventory is gone and the 1st item of all tool racks. Screenshots (Optional):
  6. Thanks! I will start moving that chunk and see what happens! I also removed the smeltery altogether.
  7. Will you please update me when the rollback is done. I'm not crafting anything anymore to avoid loss/duplication.
  8. I'll organize my moving ... Thanks!
  9. Yes! I understood it like that. My question is what "spots" in the chunk are OK. As there are other chest that are also disappearing. If I move the chest, is it moving to a "clean" spot?
  10. There are more chest and machines there and its part of my base. That would mean that I can't use it? Can it be "deleted" after I remove all and i rebuild?
  11. Your Name: gueritol Town Name: MDAG Coordinates: around and about 858,1201->849-1190 y: 78-81 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): GMT+1 between 16:00-18:00 7-Nov-2022 Description of Issue: Sadly, once again 3 chest are empty. These were also empty in the 2 previous roll back request! I truly don't know what to do! They are far from the foundry controller. I locked the base, with access security and also physically (closed all entries and close-walled the base removing the simple fence). Rolling back its tedious and painful. I never can truly know what I added to chest (or removed) and when in reference to your chosen rollback set. So items are lost and added, without us knowing. The 3 chest are: Double Wooden chest @ 850,1204-1205 y:78 Wooden Chest @ 851, 1194 y:78 Iron Chest @ 853, 1192 y:78 I do appreciate the effort to help me. Yet, we need to really do something to fix the root cause. It's been repeating (mostly) over and over on these chest. Which is hard to keep track of since: 1 of them is my main ingot. the other is my ghetto inventory project storage and the other is the one with my molds. Please help me once again fix this, yet I encourage you to think what do we do going forward? this is not sustainable! It's going to frustrate either side, sooner than later. Please advise me. What do I do to end this? Regards, Gueritol
  12. Thanks! I saw it!
  13. Thanks a lot! It's now back to having stuff
  14. This is still pending!
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