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Nomifactory Admin
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sreny1 last won the day on December 18 2023

sreny1 had the most liked content!


About sreny1

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  1. there is a command for you to remove trusted people from your claim. should be something like /untrust not sure on the exact command
  2. none of the 1.16+ servers allow joining with cracked
  3. @dante_666 my best guess would be that your current IP somehow got flagged as malicious and is therefore getting blocked. assuming you dont have a static IP you could try restarting your router to get a new IP, that is hopefully is not blacklisted (this is just a guess and speaking from personal experience with a similar system)
  4. @CheapPlayzi suggest using the template if you want to get unbanned
  5. closed due to inactivity and upcoming wipe
  6. is this stil needed? if so please supply your ingame name
  7. is this stil needed? if so please supply your ingame name
  8. Items have been placed inside your Inventory
  9. are you talking about mc eternal? because that server got wiped recently
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