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MrStangg's Achievements

  1. VIP 18 Account Name: MrStangg Rank: Sponsor + Requested Commands^: /god Reason for Request*: I’ve used god in every server that I’ve been apart of for obvious reasons. Sometimes lag causes issues which then make it more of a hassle than anything. This is just to avoid that.
  2. Account Name: MrStangg Rank: Sponsor + Requested Commands^: //cut-//copy-//paste Reason for Request*://cut is for clearing land, ive had world edit commands for a while and havent caused any issues or done anything to cause issues. //copy and //paste are for a vanilla build that would drastically reduce my times for building it. Like i said i already have world edit perms but cant really do much with what i have for the perms and would like these added if possible. Thank you.
  3. My bad posted in wrong support modpack
  4. Account Name: MrStangg Rank: Sponsor + Server: ATM 6 Requested Commands^: //cut-//copy-//paste Reason for Request*://cut is for clearing land, ive had world edit commands for a while and havent caused any issues or done anything to cause issues. //copy and //paste are for a vanilla build that would drastically reduce my times for building it. Like i said i already have world edit perms but cant really do much with what i have for the perms and would like these added if possible. Thank you.
  5. Your Name: MrStangg Island Owner Name: N/A Coordinates: 2097, 6, -5543 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): last night 7 pm est Description of Issue: i used a infini nuke underwater during a test and destroyed a whole lot, i tried to use world edit but bc of bukkit i couldnt fix the issue. i could fill the hole in but i suspect the lag will be insane. Eternalite seen the area so she told me to post it here Screenshots (Optional):
  6. Account Name: MrStangg Rank: Sponser+ - Sponser on other severs Requested Commands^: /god, /enchant, /world edit Reason for Request*: when playing on certain packs I’d prefer not to die when testing stuff out before trying in my base which is the reason for god, with the enchant it’s the same way I’d like to test those items before hand. With the edit playing maps like stoneblock and stuff it’s easier to just delete a large portion of places to make things easier and faster to continue what I am doing. I have /god and /enchant on direwolf 1.12 but I also have a rank on stoneblock 2 and rev. I would like edit and the other commands added to all of the servers I have the rank of Sponser and Sponser+ on. Thank you.
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