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  1. hi everyone I would like to suggest some new hive to sell on spawn . Im a big fan of bee mode and every time there's a reset I always struggle with the same bee. I'm wondering if there's any chance or way to get the attuned and infernal bee. It seems there's no way of buying or crafting those. I can see the attuned Queen in the over world, in the magic forest area and high mountain between level 1 to 21 which requires me to dig big holes in the map. Therefor, I would like to be able to get tho hives on Spawn. Thank you for your time Have a nice day MadWorld
  2. tzx you very mudh
  3. Your Name: madworld2009 Item Name + Amount: 1 ender quarry 1 ender chest 1 resonant solar panel 1 resonant energy cell 4 ender-marker and 1ender quarry world hole upgrade Coordinates: x-2879 z 2273 y 70(4) Description of Issue: reset minig world whit no warning and yes every ting was claime
  4. so now all i have to do it find a quarry unclaime and take it
  5. well just look my quarry was 1 block outside of my town so no it was not claime
  6. Your Name: madworld2009 Item Name + Amount: some one stole my quarry one resonant solar pane one resonant energy cell one ender chest one leadstone fluxduct Coordinates: x-2896 z2272 y70 on aroma world Description of Issue: 6;45 7;00am 24 fev
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