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Everything posted by Admiral_gigaton

  1. Your Name: Admiral_gigaton Coordinates: -1666 3142 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Unknown, sometime during June 15 i believe Description of Issue: Many Items lost during server lag.
  2. well thats the problem i dont know the exact enchants sooooo yea
  3. oh you guys dont have access to my past inventory? no logs or anything?
  4. Your Name: Admiral_gigaton Item Name + ID + Amount: so many items Base Coordinates: -1666 3142 Description of Issue: died near my base, two times, most items despawned. here are most of the items, and i hope you can get the enchantments correct. fairy ring, regeneration ring, mixed color dragon scale, gluttony pendant, dragons eye, flamed dragonbone halbred, iced dragonbone crossbow, dragon bone pickaxe, dragon bone axe, savage summoning staff, full tide guardian armor (enchanted, please make sure they are enchanted) waystone, 2 glowing ingots, water bucket, clock, season clock, and i think theres some more that i missed. please get the enchants CORRECT, because they were good.
  5. Your Name : Admiral_gigaton Coordinates: lost em. near my base tho Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 5:30-ish 4/15/2021 Description of Issue: found death worm eggs, hatched em, killed em, invited turtle over, killed more, he hits me on accident, game does mega lag, all items but ice sword, pants, chestpeice, regen ring and obi skull honest mistake on turtle's part, but he need to be more careful where he swings that op sword Screenshots (Optional): Sorry, but I don't have screenshots.
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