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Everything posted by Stauder_Blaubaer

  1. Your Name: Stauder_Blaubaer Coordinates: -16136, 65, 24798 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 18:50 in Germany Description of Issue: I died at someones island and the grave didnt appear Screenshots (Optional): I cant add the screenshot cause its too big
  2. Your Name: Stauder_Blaubaer Item Name + Amount: Fluxsaw (Creative) (obtained from mystic crate) Coordinates: (none needed) Description of Issue: Server crashed multiple times and i lost my Creative Fluxsaw which was in the Induction Matrix Screenshots (Optional):
  3. Coordinates are at x: -16236, y: 65, z: 24798
  4. Your Name: Stauder_Blaubaer Item Name + ID + Amount: Fluxsaw (Creative) + #5036/32000 + 1 Coordinates: -16136 65 14798 Description of Issue: I used my Fluxsaw for energy in my Induction Matrix but it disappears after a restart. No one has trust on my island and I didn't threw it out or smt else. I won the Fluxsaw by this Mystic crate
  5. I won this Fluxsaw at this Mystic Crate
  6. Your Name: Stauder_Blaubaer Item Name + ID + Amount: Fluxsaw (Creative) + #5036/32000 + 1 Coordinates: -16136 65 14798 Description of Issue: I used my Fluxsaw for energy in my Induction Matrix but it disappears after a restart. No one has trust on my island and I didn't threw it out or smt else. Screenshots (Optional):
  7. Your Name: Stauder_Blaubaer Island Owner Name: Stauder_Blaubaer Coordinates: idk maybe around -16000 and 25000 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 06:18 am in Germany Description of Issue: I broke my ME Drives filled with Storage Cells and after Collecting Minecraft keeps crashing after logging into the server Screenshots (Optional):
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