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Everything posted by FrozenWind_

  1. Yo. I kinda got bored after i got creative quantum tank and stopped playing for a while and now im wondering if i could get my quest book reseted so i can start again IGN : Frozenwind_
  2. its been a month and half and still no response. I kind of get the point that bruny probably has many important things to do in his private life as well, but the fact that he added a new modpack while we're waiting so long for a wipe makes me sad
  3. Is it possible to wipe asap ? Kinda wanna be in the end game before I have to start "learning" for all the exams.
  4. Thanks a lot
  5. Hi, I wanted to ask after 2 months if there is really nobody who can reset my quest book so i can start again.
  6. Its been more than a month and still no reply
  7. So today, when I logged in and checked /market, I for some reason turned my scroll wheel up and it bugged out a pickaxe from market to my inventory. At first i thought its just bugged and it dissapeared, but then when i went home it appeared again in my inventory and i could use it.
  8. Even though i dont know how, but i managed to fix it.
  9. I wanted to try this pack and when it finished downloading and it launched it self it just put out an error saying: Unrecognized option: -p Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
  10. Hi, I would like to get my quest book reseted if possible IGN : Frozenwind_
  11. U need to find the schematic on mars. Those schematics from spawn dont work
  12. In game name: FrozenWind_ Quest-ID: 615 and 616 Reason: This quest isnt possible to complete since that drill is banned Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NoRuBiG Any other important information: Probably not
  13. In game name: FrozenWind_ Quest-ID: 615 Reason: There's a quest that needs you to make basic drill but they are banned Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ClN52wg Any other important information:
  14. In game name: FrozenWind_ Quest-ID: 218 Reason: I've crafted Rock Crystal Ore for the quest in astral sorcery in White Magic [Tier] 1 quest line Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pdzL8QH
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