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Everything posted by BigBoiSallie2

  1. Title: harassments (BigBoiSallie2) Minecraft Username: DragonOfZen Time and Date:3:26 7/9/21 Description of what happened: i was helping someone with a problem with there dragon and she said to stop complaining to them and i told her that they werent complaining and then that started a argument after a few mins everyone got a warn and everyone stopped, 10-20 mins after my message she send a reply to dms with me and i told her what truly was happening and that started another argument in dms. After she went into dms she had made it to the point of harassment, if she hadnt replied to something that was 20 mins old then she wouldnt have dmed, also the thing she is talking about was a invalid line Screenshots (Or anything else) of Proof: https://imgur.com/lw2g375 List of eyewitnesses: A_N_P_I_N_K RxdicalShrooms Konstadoulis
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