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Xaedric last won the day on March 28 2022

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Xaedric's Achievements

  1. Account Name: Buhru Rank: [Sponsor] Requested Commands^: (//) Worldedit; Copy, Paste, Replace, Delete Reason for Request*: Ease of Access/QoL
  2. Account Name: Buhru Rank: Sponsor Requested Commands^: Worldedit, /Thaumcraft research (For only myself), Reason for Request*: Improving QoL
  3. Disguise is a cosmetic command, yea. Makes you appear as other mobs/animals to players. As for the other commands, it is merely because although I have access to the creative tab, not every single item in game is on it, weirdly enough. I can give several examples if need be.
  4. Account Name: Xaedric (From R.A.D) Rank: [Sponsor] Requested Commands^: /God /Enchant /Give /Effect /Disguise (If Applicable) Reason for Request*: I feel these effects would be favorable efforts to live out the creative experience. ofc I understand the possible abuse/iimplications that come with being given these cmds, but upon further pondering, I feel I am easily capable of adhering to the rules that are already implace to prevent disrupting the balance.
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