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Everything posted by ZerothEU

  1. Hi CalyxCorolla, Looking at the post it doesn't seem like this was caused by a server bug or glitch, it seems like it's just a mixture of unfortunate timing and bad luck. This case is, unfortunately, not eligible for a rollback. T/C
  2. Enchantments added, topic closed.
  3. As there has been no response, I will be closing this topic. T/C
  4. Has this issue been resolved, @walkinganomaly?
  5. Unfortunately, as this was not cause by a server error/bug, we will be unable to return those items. In future please be mindful about inventory space when opening loot crates, and that any items dropped in spawn will automatically be deleted.
  6. Assuming there are no further issues due to no reply. T/C
  7. Please post this in the correct forum. What you're looking for is Technical Support. Follow the Inventory Rollback Request template provided and give as much information as you can, and a member of staff will see to it as soon as possible.
  8. Your Name: ZerothEU Coordinates: (-5198, 65, 1360) (-5128, 65, 1360) (-5198, 65, 1309) (-5128, 65, -1309) Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): Sat 19th 12pm GMT Description of Issue: My base has essentially been completely destroyed, I had nobody trusted so I have no idea how this happened. I did however find a tower of blocks leading up to a part of my base, so I'm guessing the person that did this is the person that built that tower. Screenshots (Optional): https://imgur.com/a/icbOqMn
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