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Everything posted by Luidark1

  1. As I repeat I have no idea how he got the emeralds and I hardly ever see my chests because I had GMC and was busy building the structure next to my base.
  2. So if someone puts something on my base without realizing it, am I automatically responsible?
  3. If I explain the command block to you first, I will spawn it by the request of my base mate and the emeralds are his, always ask me where I get them from.
  4. [1] Game username: - Luidark - [2] Details of the situation: - I was afk and when I returned to the game a MOD had banned me, I don't know why the ban if I did nothing. - [3] Category of prohibition: -Illegal and duplicate objects (supposedly) - [4] Duration of the ban: - 27 days - [5] Staff member: - Jimmel - [6] Screenshots: - - [7] Your reason: -Repotate an unfair ban and receive an unban- - -
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