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Everything posted by SilverFangJei

  1. Hey, a couple of thoughts for the upcoming wipe, and potential fixes for some stuff in the Legendary (T2) vote crates. You have the AE2 Wireless package in here twice. Maybe change that to a couple of Carpenters? Those are an awesome bonus, and would certainly be more welcome than an extra chance at getting the wireless terminal. Additionally, could you swap the Seared Furnace Controller from the Tinker Kit to be the Smeltery Controller, which is what this pack uses for the main block on a smeltery? It'd be awesome to see that reward turn into more of the "instant smeltery" package it seems like it's supposed to be.
  2. In game name: SilverFangJei Quest-ID: #1660 Reason: Ended up purchasing the rocket schematic from Spawn, did not get the quest credit for this. Have attempted to log off and log back in to try and refresh the connection, see if that would update the credit. It did not.
  3. Go ahead and cancel this request, I'll just remake it. -Silver
  4. Your Name: SilverFangJei Coordinates: X 45, Z 29, Y 73 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 1310 CST Description of Issue: Entered a Nether portal, went to take my Tinker's Hammer out of my Exalted Crafter inventory during the transition, and my hammer vanished when I finished zoning into the Nether.
  5. UPDATE: It appears that my quest data was not the only stuff to get wiped out. There was a server restart that happened right around my time tag above, and from there, it all seems to have blanked out.
  6. Your Name: SilverFangJei Coordinates: -3913, 90, -797 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 1/26/2022 - 12:30AM CST Description of Issue: My entire Quest log seems to have reset. I was most of the way through Tier 2 of the main quest, and now... would rather not have to start completely over on getting credit again. Can someone help me out? Screenshots (Optional):
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