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Everything posted by PanFluterss

  1. On this week's raid overwold i'v traveled from spawn to around 100k/60k coordinates and did not spotted a single boss dungeon. Simillar story with last week's raid map. This structure seems to be working fine on all maps that doesn't reset such as main overworld, nether and end. Just to be sure i'v asked a few players if they found any dungeons, but none of them did. The structure is preety common so im 100% sure that it is world generation bug caused by Lycanites Mobs mod.
  2. Nick: PanFluterss Item Name: Iced Dragonbone Pike 5882 x1 with following enchants: Supreme Sharpness V Rune: Piercing Capabilities IV Subject P.E V Arc Slash III Swifter Slashes III Envenomed III Viper V Advanced Looting III Luck Magnification II Supreme Fire Aspect II Lifesteal II Vampirism II Advanced Mending Education III Unbreaking IV Parry Curse of possesion Upgreaded Potentials Base Coordinates: x-2311 z+2940 Description of Issue: Due to curse of possesion not working how it should my pike dissapeared after getting disarmed Video of that:
  3. Nick In game: PanFluterss Hello, today i lost item that i grinded for a whole week. After being disarmed by mob, my pike (with curse of possesion) droped and then dissapeard. Thanks to instant replay, i have video of that I would like to ask for return of this item. I can't really prove all of enchants it has, but i have few of leads, videos of this spear's damage on Lost City mobs and Overworld bosses together with players testimony if needed. Item detalis: Iced Dragonbone Pike with: Supreme Sharpness V Rune: Piercing Capabilities IV Subject P.E V Arc Slash III Swifter Slashes III Envenomed III Viper V Advanced Looting III Luck Magnification II Supreme Fire Aspect II Lifesteal II Vampirism II Advanced Mending Education III Unbreaking IV Parry Curse of possesion Upgreaded Potentials (might forgot something but that's most of them for sure) If you need any anditional information in order to refund me the item, im open to give more materials Video:
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