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Everything posted by JaeTheToeNibbler

  1. Okay, so it has let me connect a few times but here's what it will do 1:Load into Modded.craftersland.us no problem, slight freeze but only for about a second 2:Click the dirt lookin terrocotta and it freezes once for a good 10-20 seconds, freezes again for a good 10-15 seconds and then it starts loading the dirt screen 3:Freezes for maybe a good 20-30 seconds and then unfreezes and when it freezes again your either going to have a "Timed Out" screen, or your going to be in the game. essentially, one would have to restart their game every time the server restarts to rejoin from the US proxy server because it will NEVER connect you to the server and will ALWAYS time you out. I tested it maybe 30-40 times before restarting my game. Even after you restart you still have a chance to always be timed out, and to my theorys, if your running on a lower end pc you will never be able to connect through the proxy.
  2. It says Invalid Login REGISTER!... IDK Also posted in #technical-Support so there may be a faster wait time for replys
  3. @brunymanPlease... if you did maintenance can you please reverse whatever you did. At the moment of posting this its 11:20pm NA EST. Earlier today when I logged on the server was perfectly fine, tps was normal (around 12) and my ping was maybe 80-120, It was like this until about/around 3-4pmEST (I do not remember the exact date), but ever since then, for me and a couple of other players our ping (tps is still normal for us around 12) has completely spiked. Ive troubleshooted all the issues that it maybe could of been my router, but it was not. Its only your server thats doing this atleast for me (I do not know if the others have tried different servers, personally I have) and 3 players I can name right now that this is happening to or happened to (dont know if its still happening because they logged off because it was unplayable) is Jcaster and Xassassin321. Me and Jcaster are IRL friends and live pretty close by but XAssassin321 is located in Australia, so it doesnt make sense if it was our routers/internet if were in different regions. I tried restarted my computer, even going as far as changing my IPV settings, deleting and reinstalling network drivers... Nothing is fixing it which is leading me to believe its the server (My ping in other games/discord/other apps is absolutely perfect, download speed is like 200mbs and upload 50mbish).... I do not know if I can continue playing if this keeps up longer than a week as I literally cannot go to any of my friends bases, (Waldheins, XAssassin, Freeqs [yes i set a tp to u freeq without your knowledge] and etcetera.) and if I do tp to them, I just rubber-band (teleport back to original position) until I disconnect, reconnect and /spawn or /home, and then disconnect once again and reconnect as It wont let me tp without disconnecting. I barely travel as loading chunks with 200+ ping is impossible atleast for me, and I can barely go into other dimensions (if I do, I have to relog). This is just extremely disatsfisfying and discouraging. Also even with a low amount of players on the server, the ping is still 200+... I'm completely fine, dealing with a low tps (4-14) but having a high ping issue is just unplayable at points, and I feel as though if I renovate my base and make it bigger or something and add more machines (like the above bases mentioned) I wont even be able to join the server and go to that home (that would be renovated/added machines). TL:DR- Ever since 3-4pm NA EST some of the players ping issues have been highly spiked and the server is unplayable at times
  4. How does one upvote a post on a forum?
  5. Me and my friends were fighting the end dragon, broke our armor. Weapons? Broken. Arrows? Gone... (overexaggerated) and finally killed the end dragon after a tedious fight, and the player "Turtle" im guessing saw the achievements that we were getting, and he warped to the end after we killed the dragon and took our eggs. Openly admits to it and just continues to be a dick in chat https://imgur.com/a/wvt5RLC Im not even going to lie, this dude seemed like a cool dude, he helped me out with evilcraft and getting a stockton of blood with his mobfarm, so I thought he was pretty chill, but ig not. Edit forgot to read the layouts: Name:JaeTheToeNibbler; Date: When the post was created/February 4th/Person Im reporting:Turtle (idk his real name, its just turtle)
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