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Everything posted by _tinomu

  1. Evrything's good, thank you Kaszanka
  2. [Refund Request]_tinomu Your Name: _tinomu Item Name + ID + Amount: warp stone#5356 (enchanted with advanced mending, curse of possession and unbreaking 3) Base Coordinates: 984,67,-3985 Description of Issue: I was in raid world digging for discs when i decided to clear my inventory of the junk i had and while transferring things into my backpack, my game crashes, I scramble to open up the game again to see if i can get back before anything despawns and the warp stone was missing, from my inventory and the backpack. I made it 2 hours ago after 2 weeks of looking for that last purple rune. Please help, thank you. Screenshots (Optional): the area i was excavating, https://pasteboard.co/QyPMO9i9AMhf.png I hadn't bookmarked it as yet for proof. but I have chats when I was excited about making it https://pasteboard.co/0T8we8c9ALxB.png
  3. [Inventory Rollback Request]_tinomu Your Name: _tinomu Coordinates: 1310, 63, -289 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 13/04/2022 , 10:35:31 South African Standard Time (SAST) Description of Issue: I was building at a beach on Spoopy's villageI started lagging and the game froze while trying to check my inventory and after a few minutes it came back to a death message and when I came /back to the location everything had despawned. Please help. I had a lot of gear i had worked on for a long time and its all gone including a red shulker box with backup gear i had (extra weapons and baubles). had a stone of inertia on me and another in the shulker box, those being the biggest purchases i've made. thanks Screenshots (Optional): https://pasteboard.co/ujjx12sgdHrl.png https://pasteboard.co/hJzeG3WU4OB7.png
  4. [Inventory Rollback Request] Lemonycats Your Name: Lemonycats Coordinates: Couldn't get the coords, but it was at Shulker5's Casino Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 11:50, USA (GMT-7) 13/03/2022 Description of Issue: Submitting for Lemonycats since he can't seem to register an account. He says he died in a claim(the casino) where there were 6 other people and lost all the items he had grinded for. Screenshots (Optional): https://pasteboard.co/Uoz2YI7qBBJl.png
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