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Astralry last won the day on August 6 2024

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  1. AdmSirRed seems to be a non stop issue with people and the way he runs around whining and acting like he owns the place. This is just a poll to see who thinks this should be put a stop to. Either removed or kept from just running around ruining the experience on the sever for others. I vote something should be done.
  2. [1] In-Game Username: Astralry [2] Details of Situation: I ran over my friends chests with my dragon warranting me a fair 7 day ban [3] Ban Category: Claim griefing [4] Ban Duration: 7 days [5] Staff Member: Thatcrazyflyguy [6] ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/74BQGNk [7] Your Reason: Me and void no longer have any sort of beef(we didnt have much to begin with) and wed like to try to get me unbanned
  3. you can go ahead and lock any further replies after replying yourself with garbage, i already said what i had to say
  4. This is directed towards flyguy and its also my last complaint/response on this i could just let this die on that horrible response but im not giving you the satisfaction of saying that much bs and getting away with it the axe situation itself shows how truly incompetent you are, you first avoid even looking into the refund request with the reason being the way bound axes work, and now you switch your reasoning to a glitch maknight uses on HIS bound axe that lets him keep it despite having curse of possession on it, but if your 2 year old brain did the impossible task of clicking on the imgur link youd see my axe doesnt even have curse of possession and about the "tp kill", you have 0 reason to act all confident and hostile about whether i tp killed or not, calling lies and whatnot when you cant do the simple task of telling me what caused my tp kill jail(which would be easy judging by how confident and certain you are that i did tp kill), instead you choose to ignore my complaint on it until i make a second complaint bringing it up, to then keep pushing it to the same response "ur lying about it" and refusing to elaborate on why i even got jailed for tp killing in the first place, so until proven wrong i am going to stick to what i know i did and didnt do as for the "using exploits to evade jail time" situation, im not going to fight it any further because thats an actual rule and after talking to maknight(who also got 24h of jailtime for the niloc tp kill), who actually waited out his jailtime online i actually have nothing to say about it other than i am in the wrong about that, and that i should have waited out my jailtime i honestly dont care about the punishments ill get from this and you can stick to the same biased thoughts and keep calling lies on whatever i say without any ground to put those accusations on(apart from the jailtime situation), i wont just sit here mouth shut but i refuse to spend any more energy on someone who, using your words "deserves to be called dumb" i would say do better but im afraid you cannot, so instead keep acting like a petty child and maybe just maybe soon i wont be the only one speaking up on your bs
  5. Theres no such thing as "bugging it", i joined the server, chatted a bit and left until my time ran out, no one waits out their jailtimes online and i havent seen a singular person be punished for simply waiting it out outside the server, ive even seen people be punished for purchasing unstuck to evade jailtime but this isnt even listed as an offense, "playing dumb" when no staff member replies to my questions on why i was banned for tp killing when i never did, told to make a complaint only for it to be ignored and responded with something as stupid as "playing dumb". And its not even about being punished, its about being punished for something i didnt even do, or if something i did counted as tp killing not even being able to know what the hell i did wrong, then you deny my refund request because "of the way bound axes work" like you can literally just drop me the enchants and /give me the axe, you went as far as rerolling PerfectOffete's inventory multiple times for over 30 minutes but you stop any further staff interaction on my refund request because you dont feel like going through it, and then i get jailed for something i did do and admitted to doing, wait out my jailtime after checking how much time i was jailed for and i get banned for 3 days for "using exploits to evade jail", all of this without even mentioning the hostility you have towards anything i dare post or say to you, cant expect me not to be hostile against you
  6. Minecraft Username: Astralry Time and Date: no idea when i even got banned, i logged on the server yesterday and played for like 10 minutes Description of what happened: (In chronological order): jailed for tp killing, logged on to check the jailtime and then left until it was over Screenshots (Or anything else) of Proof: )
  7. Your Name: Astralry Item Name + Amount: 1x Bound axe | Supreme sharp 5, advanced mending, unbreaking 3, efficiency 6(tome), disarmament 5, desolator 4(not in screenshot, obtained yesterday from MaKnight) Coordinates: 5 37 3773 Description of Issue: Username change caused my bound axe to be deleted Screenshots (Optional): https://imgur.com/a/pN189Ai
  8. Minecraft Username: Terfusa Time and Date: 1:33 AM Gmt-3 Description of what happened: Jailed for tp killing but i dont think i have tp killed at all so i would like an explanation as to why im jailed Screenshots (Or anything else) of Proof: List of eyewitnesses
  9. it wont let me upload the full ss
  10. Your Name: Astralren Item Name + Amount: Red dragon egg, grey dragon egg Coordinates: 8 47 3775 Description of Issue: My dragon eggs were hatching on netherrack blocks when the server restarted, that despawned them Screenshots (Optional):
  11. my new ign is dympus incase thats relevant
  12. Ive talked to n0x and flyguy about this a bit and atm im just waiting for the rollback so its alright
  13. I understand I was wrong in killing those 2 players and that wont happen again, I even offered them new stuff and some better gear that isnt that op but I dont think killing me there would justify me killing them
  14. dying is a better punishment than being banned, dying and dropping all of your stuff next to what 10 people isnt really desirable
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