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Posts posted by BeastAyanXD

  1. Your Name: BeastAyanXD
    Item Name + Amount: 1 Diamond Pickaxe , 1 Cross Neckless , 1 Grey Dragon helmet , 48 Cooked Beed , 41 Golden Apple , 1 Dragon Canteen , 15 EnderPerals , 1 Bow
    Coordinates:  - - -
    Description of Issue: So i was Grinding end dungeons last night but then i left me game there.. in a safe place , but after i login back some mobs spawn kill me but some how after dying 4-6 times i mange to keel all those mobs and get my drop stuff but for some reason there were some missing stuff i mention , so please kindly refund my stuff , All Enchantment + Quality are given in screen shots 
    Screenshots (Optional): 

    Diamond Pickaxe: https://paste.pics/4cc1c602653d3adc514f9aaba3f23d49 (pls make sure that quality and enchantments are same thank u)

    Bow: https://paste.pics/9434790778bc2373848a3405ed6d1593

    My Inventory: https://paste.pics/6d0cb01257b5ea670df98c559de8f6d1 , this screen shot is 25min old bc i change my armor with Gray Dragon fullset

    Gray Dragon Helmat: sorry i don't have screenshot of it bc i forgot to took it but i remember it enchantments + Quality: Adv Pro: 4 , Adv Mending , Resprition III , Adv Thorns III "Quality Master"

    My Death Loction: https://paste.pics/a967a4b690956b891554870878a01699 (u might wondering that i'm already wearing , it a Green Helmat)

  2. Your Name: BeastAyanXD
    Item Name + Amount:  Full Green Dragon Armor With Quality Master> "Helmet" Protection 4,Unbreaking 1,Respiration 3 ,Advance Mending , Advance Thorns 2 *Quality Master , "Chestplate" Protection 4 , Strengthened Vitality 1 , Advanced Mending , Unbreaking 3 Quality Master, "Legging" Protection 4 , Advance Mending , Unbreaking 3 , Burning Thorns 2 Quality Master Boots "Unbreaking 3 ,High jump 1 , Protection 2 , Double Jump , Advance Mending. And Diamond Pickaxe with Efficiency 4 , 53 Golden apple , 60 Cooked Beef , 1 lava Bucket , 1 Water Bucket , 1 Diamond Shield , 1 Dragon Water Canteen, 1 Enchanted Health Kit , 16 Ender perals And Dragon Bone Sword with "Supreme Sharpness V , Mending True Strike , Clear skies Favor 1 , Sweeping Edge 3 , Reviled Blade 1 , Lesser Fire Aspect 2 , Looting 3 Quality Sharp. Baubles Stone of Stone of Greater Inertia , Strength Ring , Regeneration Ring , Ankh Shield , Cross Neckless , Balloon , Dragon Eye.
    Coordinates: - - -
    Description of Issue: so i was fighting a boss Gorgon and even tho i was using Blind Folder but for some reason i died? , but after i typed /back i get tp back to my death location but my stuff despawns in 2 sec pls refund my stuff it been 2 week i haven't got any response on discord i did make tickets of refund..
    Screenshots (Optional): 

    *The Place Where i died> https://paste.pics/8f9dee58ef939ecd6c789fb41e5536bb

    *Inventory Screenshot > https://paste.pics/53ed472c2650a1dbff25b941b0511000

    *My Armor Screenshot: 





    *My Sword,Bow &Tools Screenshot:






  3. Your Name: BeastAyanXD
    Item Name + Amount: Helmate "Protection 4,Unbreaking 1,Respiration 3 ,Advance Mending , Advance Thorns 2 *Quality Master , Chestplate "Protection 4 , Strengthened Vitality 1 , Advanced Mending , Unbreaking 3 Quality Master, Legging "Protection 4 , Advance Mending , Unbreaking 3 , Burning Thorns 2 Quaility Master Boots "Unbreaking 3 ,High jump 1 , Protection 2 , Double Jump , Advance Mending. And Diamond Pickaxe with Efficiency 4 , 53 Golden apple , 60 Cooked Beef , 1 lava Bucket , 1 Water Bucket , 1 Diamond Shield , 1 Dragon Water Canteen, 1 Enchanted Health Kit , 16 Ender perals And Dragon Bone Sword with "Supreme Sharpness V , Mending True Strike , Clear skies Favor 1 , Sweeping Edge 3 , Reviled Blade 1 , Lesser Fire Aspect 2 , Looting 3 Quaility Sharp. Babules Stone of Stone of Greater Inertia , Strenght Ring , Regeneration Ring , Ankh Shield , Cross Neckless , Balloon , Dragon Eye.
    Coordinates: X -5569 , Z 1102 , Y 98 (6) ( i guess Coordinates might wrong it would be better if  my stuff send in my inventory)
    Description of Issue: So i was Fighting a Boss "Gorgon" But sadly i look at her eyes and died.. But when i type /back command in just 1 sec my all stuff despawns but for some reason i got 19exp back..
    Screenshots (Optional):  Sadly i can't upload screen shot due to not having enough space but i can send u on discord username> BeastAyanXD#3286

  4. Your Name: BeastAyanXD
    Item Name + Amount: 1st Babbule "Dragon Eye" , 2nd "Ankh Shield" , 3rd "Cross Necklace" 4th Regeneration Ring " 5th "Strenght Ring" 6th "Balloon . 7th " Stone of inertia" And Diamond Chest Plate , Diamond Legging , Diamond Boots And Guardian Armor Helmate
    Coordinates: i couldn't take Coordinates cuz i wasn't able to use /back command
    Description of Issue: so i just join the server as always but "server went restart" after restart complete i just join server and suddenly i just saw i was dead! but after i click respawn and typed /back it say "ur /back location isn't set" i remember i left my game while i was Alive.. , i would really appreciated i get my stuff back
    Screenshots (Optional): Sadly i can't upload screen shot it had "277.5KB" limit.. But i can send u screen shot on Discord here my username>BeastAyanXD#3286

  5. Your Name: BeastAyanXD
    Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): around 7:30pm.. Pakistan Timezone
    Description of Issue: So it pretty long story.. in short i request Inventory Rollback before and got good reponse and got my  inventory" back round few hours but problem it exchange after server restart my babbules "mind english" i mean that i had 2 babblues equip got exchange by old one, and those 2 babblues name ankh charm and Ring of the Faeles. i would appreciated i get these babbules back. 
    Screenshots (Optional): As u can see the screen shot i took before server restart , i got another screen shot after server restart , bc it says 1000kb only.. 


  6. Uhh.. Hi my name is BeastAyanXD

    1# Item Lost >  Stone Greater Inertia, Obisen Skull,Balloon, Reaeration Ring, Belt , Cross Necklass , "Neptunium Full Armor" , Dragon Sword , Diamond Bow Done.

    2#PictureOrVideo> i have screen shot but i can't upload here for some reason it says 1000kb only.. and my picture size is 1.23mb but i can send u screen shots on Discord here my username> BeastAyanXD#3286

    3#Descripiton of issue: Mind English, so i was just grinding exp in Raid but by mistake i use ender staff and crash on a rock and Died so i just simply typed /Back , and when i tp there for like 1 sec i saw my items on ground and Suddenly they "Despawns" only one thing i got was 18exp.. i had 36exp.

    4#Username: BeastAyanXD

    5#Coordinates: here r my "Base" Cordina... C: 40, E:0+0, U:2


  7. [Inventory Rollback Request]

    Your Name:BeastAyanXD
    Coordinates: ----
    Time/Date (3:07am/2:54am): 
    Description of Issue: i was just chilling around in "Warp Raid" by mistake i died by kinetic energy but as always i used /Back command but when i tp to my item , in jsut second it Despawns but some how i got my exp.. it wired for me .. i break a dirt block near by and it also despawns... 
    Screenshots (Optional): idk how do i post Video or Screen shot but i do have a Video(but it kind a old like record 2day ago) + Screen shot here is my Discrod > BeastAyanXD#3286 i gonna send there.. or in Discord Server "CrafterLands"

    i just want only bubbles bc i grind so much for them and i got some of bubbles from crates i'm i mention those bubbles here and for prove i have screenshot but idk how do i upload here: 

  8. Hi there my name is BeastAyanXD in "minecraft" , i was just chilling in Warp Raid still i died by kinetic energy by my own mistake so jsut after i died i just used back commend in jsut 1 sec my item despawns infront of me but i some how i got exp i was bit confused ... , i break a dirt block near my death area and it also despawns i'm pretty sure it server bug.. pls kind help me. i just want my Bubbles Back i don't need armor or other stuff they don't worth much.. but pls return my bubbles i did sooo much grinding like 6hour daily to get them..  idk how do i uplaod Video here or Screen shot.. so mind i mention those bubles here: Stone of Great Inertia ,  Obsiden Skull , Ankh Shield , Cross Nechlace & Balloon , please return my bubbles , my username: BeastAyanXD in Minecraft.

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