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  1. Parts were gone again this morning. I wasn't online at the time. Could someone please take a look and fix this?
  2. Hello, to begin with: If a little should be incomprehensible, I translate this from German on English with a good translator. This morning (9 a.m. German time) I already had the problem that some cables and parts were gone from the ME system, so that the ME system could not run. Thank goodness I was able to fix this quickly. Just after the server restart (about 11:00 a.m. German time), cable connections are missing again, but also an ME drive with 16384k storage cells. Now this really sucks. I leave the gap from the ME system in the ground, at the spawn point, so that it gets fixed. --- German below --- Heute Morgen (9Uhr Deutscher Zeit) hatte ich bereits das Problem, dass einige Kabel sowie Teile, vom ME System weg waren, sodass das ME-System nicht laufen konnte. Dies konnte ich Gott sei Dank schnell fixen. Eben grade nach dem Server Neustart (ungefähr 11Uhr deutscher Zeit) fehlen wieder Kabelverbindungen, aber auch ein ME-Laufwerk mit 16384k Storage Cells. Dies ist nun echt scheiße. Die Lücke von dem ME-System im Boden, beim Spawn Punkt, lasse ich nun mal so stehen, damit dies gefixt wird.
  3. Nobody an idea?
  4. Hello, to begin with: If a little should be incomprehensible, I translate this from German on English with a good translator. I have the problem from the outset which freezes I over and over again 1-3 seconds the screen in the PC. Funny enough I do not have this with my 6 year-old gaming laptop, although the hardware is clearly better. I have undertaken follower up to now: - Play new-installed incl. all folders of it before extinguished - Java removed completely and install new - Graphics driver updates - Play could select new-installed with less of the Mods one optinal - Main memory 4-8GB assigned / 8-16GB assigned / 16-32gb assigned - any graphics settings to low Have now of course question mark in the head what could be this. Any other plays and also normal Minecraft with some Mods run without problems. PC: http://www.sysprofile.de/id140940 thx
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