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Anniesong's Achievements

  1. Your Name: Anniesong Item Name + Amount: Diamond Sword x1 Diamond Pickaxe x1 Bucket x1 Iron Ingot x43 Thaumonomicon x1 Great Wood Planks x8 Scanner x1 Wrought Iron Ingot x1 Witch Hat x1 Coordinates: Grave at: (X,Y,Z)= (-5092,68,-4802) Description of Issue: Was burning Iron to make wrought iron. Standing near fire. Had half a heart. Got lit on fire and died beside fire. When I /home and went to get my gravestone it was not there. Went to the cords where my death was and it still was not there. Screenshots (Optional): I have screenshots of my death log showing the items if you need additional information. Thank you!
  2. Your Name: Anniesong Item Name + Amount: Diamond Sword x1 Diamond Pickaxe x1 Bucket x1 Iron Ingot x43 Thaumonomicon x1 Great Wood Planks x8 Scanner x1 Wrought Iron Ingot x1 Witch Hat x1 Coordinates: Grave at: (X,Y,Z)= (-5092,68,-4802) Description of Issue: Was burning Iron to make wrought iron. Standing near fire. had half a heart. Got lit on fire and died beside fire. When I /home and went to get my gravestone it was not there. Went to the cords where my death was and it still was not there. Screenshots (Optional): I have screenshots of my death log showing the items if you need addition information. Thank you!
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