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  1. Each player can chunk-load a maximum of 3 chunks. Attempting to chunkload a 3x3 area will require 9 chunk-loader points (as it chunk-loads 9 chunks), thus you'd need to purchase more in order to do so. Claim area can increase either via purchasing with in-game money or spending time within the server but chunk-loaders may only be acquired via the craftersland store.
  2. Have you tried placing a chunkloader in the chunk that the machine is in? Mekanism/IF machines often malfunction without a chunkloader in the chunk they're placed in.
  3. And is this problem persisting? If so I once again suggest making a report in the Technical Support category.
  4. There's a limit on how many compact machines can exist at a time per server, as each one occupies a dimension. As per your problem with deleting it I'd suggest buying a few of those minesweepers off the FTB market and placing them strategically to get rid of the blocks otherwise make an official report in the Technical Support category.
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