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Everything posted by 0ff2set

  1. 1. give everyone in the event heat resistance, cold resistance, saturation and the equivalent of saturation but for water (idk how its called or if it atleast exists) so people wont get damaged from those sources of damage. 2. more types of tournaments 1v1's, 1v1v1's, 1v1v1v1's, free for all, and maybe team tournament 2v2 or something but theres a lack of players so this isnt a pretty realistic idea. 3.better door opening system 4. better spectator area maybe on top of the arena with glass/barriers for better view
  2. Your Name: 0ff2set Item Name + Amount: 39 ender chests, 16 battle burritos, dragon water canteen, 35 whale burgers dragon bone pickaxe, enchants: advanced efficiency 5, silk touch,unbreaking 3,versatility, mending,magnetic. dragon bone axe, enchants: advanced efficiency 5,fortune 3, unbreaking 3, mending. Flamed Dragonbone-Strenghtenened Longbow, enchants: advanced power 5, infinity, unbreaking 3, supreme flame,range Golem boots:Advanced protection 4, unbreaking 3, advanced mending, underwater strider 3. Golem leggings:Advanced protection 4, unbreaking 3, advanced mending,agility 2. Golem Chestplate:Advanced protection 4, unbreaking 3, advanced mending, strenghthened vitality 5. Golem Helmet:Advanced protection 4, unbreaking 3, advanced mending. The armor for the non-knowing was phanthom threaded to appear like gold armor. gluttony pendant, ring of free action, ankh shield, stone of greater inertia, arcing orb, shield of honor, dragon eye. Coordinates: [name:"Death 18:56:18 06-30-2022", x:3334, y:64, z:-4678] Description of Issue: items cleared when i died. Screenshots (Optional): Thanks for your time.
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