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Everything posted by Dekuscrubb

  1. Your Name: Dekuscrubb Town Name: "TownNameHere" (<-literal name was meant as pun) Coordinates: x:3367 z:-4629 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 12:00PM/Eastern Standard Time/August 10 2022 Description of Issue: Griefer by the name "Krasota" emptied all inventories, including ME Drive, in my base and left his "golden ticket" in all the chests as seen in screenshot below Screenshots (Optional):
  2. DUPLICATE POST, DONT SEE A WAY TO DELETE IT Your Name: Dekuscrubb Town Name: "TownNameHere" Coordinates: x:3367 z:-4629 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 12:00PM/Eastern Standard Time/August 10 2022 Description of Issue: Griefer by the name "Krasota" emptied all inventories, including ME Drive, in my base and left his "golden ticket" in all the chests as seen in screenshot below Screenshots (Optional):
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