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XxWinterbearxX last won the day on November 13 2024

XxWinterbearxX had the most liked content!

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  1. hello i was killed by a 60k health siren, losing two sets of maxed golem armor Hiro told me to post on here for a reroll of a maxed set of golem armor
  2. Hello, i thought about a idea and thought it could be beneficial and decrease the amount of griefing in the server. a warp or zone for allowing to pvp. a place that allows pvp and is designed for that, could have a keep inventory on?? or like if the battle is over it could tp the other person to their home to prevent getting the others loot? not sure how the things about adding stuff like keep inventory works. but i think a pvp area with or without keep inventory would be a good idea and might help decrease and prevent people from wanting to fight in claims or spawn :). gives people a chance to test out their weapons and skill on players not mobs and can even place 'bets' like if you win you get a stack of diamonds if i win you give me a stack of diamonds etc ??. i think it would be a fun idea, not sure if you are able to make this happen but if so i think it could be a great idea thanks for reading - XxWinterbearxX
  3. spawned in and had no stuff bc of lc, two players were punching me non stop, i clipped it an i couldnt ddo anythiing . If i had stuff i woulve lostt i bc theyy pam punched me, t wont let me post the clips bc of the max file thing but hopefully the screenshots worked users were RB005 and quixxxe
  4. i volunteered to help someone with a dragon yet my render distance was down so i didnt see where the wild dragon as so i took alot of damage so i fled but it kept following me, all of a sudden my dragon disappeared and i fell to the floor, it ws a black stage 4 female, no dead body, whistle didn't work and ppl tried helping Your Name: XxWinterbearxX Item Name + Amount: black female stage 4 fire dragon, whatever meal is needed to grow that Coordinates: -1175, 67, -2538 Description of Issue: my stage 4 dragon female disapeerd randomly Screenshots (Optional)
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