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Everything posted by AerialUh

  1. Your Name: AerialUh Item Name + Amount: AerialUh Coordinates: ----(island was deleted by chance cube)---- Description of Issue: Chance cube literally deleted island from server. had been on server for roughly 4 hours with a buddy, unfortunately i dont have screenshots, we would like to see about getting our voting rewards back as weve already built a new island. Screenshots (Optional):
  2. Your Name: AerialUh Island Owner Name: AerialUh Coordinates: -4916, 6347, 64 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 12:30am, im on the west coast usa Description of Issue: A chacne cube literally deleted my and my friends island. Gone, had to litereally create a new one. it doesnt have any warning that it could do that. Screenshots (Optional):
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