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Posts posted by deadmemes1

  1. Your Name:deadmemes
    Coordiantes: (use format xyz: 1845 64 2374)
    Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): 11/1/7/2022 before 4am

    Description of Issue: fission reactor go boom on start up do to pipz mod and mek not playing nice  
    Screenshots (Optional):

  2. deadmemes1

    4584 50 8495

    1 charm of absorption IV with indestructible 

    1 charm of regeneration II with indestructible 

    1 charm ofresistance II with indestructible

    1 charm of strength II with indestructible 

    I died with these items in my inventory when I came back and claimed my grave they were missing 

    This happened about 3am est Nov the 14

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