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Everything posted by BrickedKeyboard

  1. I just wanted to let the admins know that Monifactory, which is based on Minecraft 1.20, exists and is for the most part superior to Nomifactory in every aspect except it's in Beta and is probably not as stable, especially for large servers like this one. But for the most part, it's modern minecraft and all it's features, combined with nomifactory and almost all of it's features, plus 3 more voltage tiers. (there are slight differences but basically it's all here)
  2. I have played https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/another-quality-modpack-3 (I played AQM 2 technically) + Actually uses a recent minecraft version with 1.18.2 + Many mods, the pack makes their recipes interconnected, forcing you to build most things from most mods to finish the pack I don't know of a pack for recent minecraft builds that is actually better, if you want a challenge/integrated experience. Other packs have the simple problem that certain mods are just too good, and so you wait to load a bunch of mods there is no gameplay reason to use anything from.
  3. fixed my own problem spam a key to unequip a building gadget if this happens to you
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