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ZiraBitfrost's Achievements

  1. Your Name: ZiraBitfrost Claim Leaders Name: desertpsycho Coordinates of claim: -423.431 84.00000 -724.536 Claim members: desertpsycho, TheodorRacing Reason for request: Built extremely close to the claim, and while they seemed to be actually playing I was okay with it, but each time I've come on in the past several months I have yet to see them online and the claim and seen information say it was several months ago when the individual was last on (February of 2023 when the claim was created as well as when the owner was last on), so I would like to try to get the claim removed in order to be able to annex the land into the rest of the area's claims for my friends and myself.
  2. It has to do with the arc lamps. I don't know if you want me to describe it here at risk others read it and try it or show one of you mods when you next log on so I won't post video or screenshot just in case, but it's been fairly consistent in one of the two ways. I have been able to recreate this issue both in creative and survival modes in the first method, and the second method is less consistent as it seems to be a 'luck of the draw' of how you put it down and where. I can try to replicate that when I see a mod to explain but it's been iffy.
  3. I have no evidence of who actually DID it, so this is pure speculation, but it is rather coincidental that this was noticed after the weed guy was banned YET AGAIN today and and had been known to grief Jb's base previously. Not that that matters currently as the account that the person was on is already banned again. But would it be possible to get this area rolled back/restored? It had several sub-claims inside it where other people had rooms as well and mine was one of them. xD Included is a picture of the devastation that formerly was Jb's mansion.
  4. They still at it currently? I got lagged out and the game crashed but I'm about to come back on when it finishes loading and get screenshots if they are.
  5. There is someone going by lmao on the Tekkit 2 server who is tp'ing to people and killing them with the katar on their own claims and spamming chat with 'lmao', and spamming TPA requests. They killed me once, Jbyrdab several times, Frog a few times, and have placed down ghost copies of themself a couple times in Jb's mansion. PLEASE can someone do something about this?
  6. I purchased a bundle of keys (Large Crate Key Bundle) a few minutes ago and the purchase cleared. I logged back in (the server had crashed) and received the keys. But then the server immediately crashed again, and when I logged back in, the keys were no longer in my inventory and I did not even get to use them. Either a refund or replacement keys would be nice. IGN: ZiraBitfrost Server: Tekkit2
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