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Everything posted by ets555

  1. Feed The Beast - FTB StoneBlock 3 (feed-the-beast.com) - 1.18.2 - Stoneblock 3 is something I think should have been added a while ago and I think it would attract many new players as a modpack that features tech and magic. I also feel it is very unique in itself with the world generation, which I think many would enjoy.
  2. Your Name: ets555 Island Owner Name: ets555 Coordinates: -46849, 70, 27390 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 11.30 pm GMT, 07/01/23 (dd/mm/yy) Description of Issue: Some goober abused the fact that island claims only go far as 260x260 and seeing as my island is a little bit larger than that, he took stuff outside the 260x260 area and griefed some other parts of the island Screenshots (Optional): https://imgur.com/a/67Kuslw
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