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Everything posted by GetClqpxd

  1. Pack name: DivineJourney2 (DJ2) hey i have a suggestion for a modpack you dont have to say yes but, i was wondering would you guys give DivineJourney2 a chance i think it has a real potential on this server its got tons of tech and magic, plus its an expert pack thanks for reading/considering :3 -Emily Link to modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/divine-journey-2
  2. Your Name: GetClqpxd Item Name + Amount: x2 duct tape , x2 Quadruple Compressed Coal. Coordinates: Of my base i assume? if so it is: X: -775 Z: 2713 Y: 135 i opened a mystic crate key and i got the tungsten boiler setup but my inventory was only half full so i got half of it could an admin possibly give me the rest of my tungsten boiler that i won from the crate.? What i currently have out of the Mystic crate: x32 Rob.Tungstensteel Machine casings x1 input hatch (EV) (Fluid) x1 Output hatch (EV) (Fluid) x1 Input bus (EV) (Items) x1 Maintenance hatch x1 Muffler hatch (EV) x1 Large Tungstensteel Boiler x3 Tungstensteel Pipe Casings x4 Tungstensteel Firebox Casings What im missing: x2 Duct Tape x2 Quadruple Compressed Coal. Screenshots (Optional):
  3. Username: GetClqpxd [2] Details of Situation: i was banned for "Creative tag removal;" [3] Ban Category: im sorry i dont get what this means (it wasnt too serious of a crime [4] Ban Duration: 1 day 23 hours [5] Staff Member: the staff member that banned me? if so its Jebacbydgoszcz [6] ScreenShots: no screenshots [7] Your Reason: basically i was under the assumption that creative mode was a part of my rank but i didnt know that i couldnt spawn an item in to make some other items, "This is called Creative tag removal" and i was unaware of that, and i take full responsibility in what i have done, it was a one time mistake and i should have read the rules i am genuenly sorry for what happened and i completely understand why i got banned but do you think i could possibly be un banned as i now that i know that this is bannable i will make sure not to do that again, if that makes sense sorry english is not my first language but thank you for reading mods i hope i can still play on the server now that i know what i did wasnt allowed Edit: i think that i got the format right now right?? Edit 2: i fixed the post i changed the title
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