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Jbyrdab's Achievements

  1. been about 10 days, just checking in, seeing if my base has been restored.
  2. try either of those dates, hopefully it works. either feb 1st of 2023, or feb 5th of 2023. thanks in advance.
  3. You could also try february 1st of this year, since i was forsure on that day and the mansion was definately there that day, it seems that somehow a huge portion of land got reset and partially corrupted with random objects
  4. February 5th 2023? that was a few weeks ago the 2nd was the last day i was on. the entire base is 14508 blocks large, its a really large claim, but the main half you got was where the main base was, so i dunno what happened. Im guessing the rollback was corrupted somehow because this occurs
  5. THE ENTIRE BASE IS MISSING and a huge chunk of the glowcelium WHERES THE BASE? THIS IS ALL THATS LEFT, everything is missing from the place. there could not be more missing in this exact moment and place. im sorry if im coming off as rude but 3 days and all thats happened is that you've managed to chunk reset my entire mansion, fail to revert all of the damage, and even then it seems like reverting still didnt function properly, as leaves have been replaced with washing factories and some stone with stairs. I am unbelievably pissed
  6. Is there any eta when the claim can be rolled back, im not trying to be that guy but i literally cant even continue playing here until the claim is rolled back so i actually have access to my stuff. there is almost nothing left my stuff, my machines, everything i built is just gone.
  7. I just logged back onto this, im devastated, which i guess was the griefer's goal. Shame whoever did this can't put that energy towards having a life.
  8. This is also a huge 15k blocks large claim, with ample space around it, whoever did this must have used some kind of exploit to be able to destroy my house like this
  9. im guessing its the same guy who did it again, he destroyed it all including the chests of items, just some scraps of it, and its all gone
  10. In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your rollback request topic. For your topic name, use [Claim Rollback Request]*YourName* Your Name: Jbyrdab Coordinates: (-2042, 86, -1901) Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 2023-02-02 Description of Issue: Someone completely obliterated my base, i hadn't logged in for a week or two, its all destroyed. Screenshots (Optional): What the griefer did, and proof my base did exist respectively, i just want my base back.
  11. thank you
  12. I think the format is correct. any eta on if this will be handled?
  13. apparently it was the same troll using an alt cracked account, apologies wasn't aware
  14. Your Name: Jbyrdab Item Name + Amount: 1 full set of gem armor (pants included), philosophers stone, Red matter pick, shovel, red morningstar, red katar, golden shovel, Ichisel, Volcanite amulet, evertide amulet, transmutation tablet, ring of arcana (yellow), mind stone, and about 40 levels of exp (stored in the stone) Coordinates (format x, y, z): -2026, 68, -1872 Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: no clue what this means, and the staff don't know either Description of Issue: another troll did it again Screenshots (Optional):
  15. they have also griefed the area around my base again, lakes are frozen and mined up, and there is a huge field of fire, they also took my items after they killed me in my claim, again.
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