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Everything posted by tfs1

  1. Hello anyone reading this. I've finished the pack, and while it was overall a good experience, man the server has a lot of problems. I'm including my discord post here in case someone wants to fix the server sometime. Honestly I doubt anyone will bother with it, but I feel like I owe it to the server owners to at least list the problems. Okay, I finished the pack. In case anyone's wondering in the future, I have some constructive criticism of the server. There are some config mistakes and terrain gen screw ups that seem to have been here, known about, and unfixed for years. The easy ones are flight potions and airtight seal enchants - both are supposed to be easy to get and you're expected to use them, particularly the airtight seal enchant - you're not expected to use the space suit for late game mobs. Unfortunately, both are impossible to get, probably some id conflicts, if I had to guess. As for terrain gen, overworld spawn is completely destroyed, and is likely the reason so many people leave early on. I don't know what happened, but my guess is a mod decided to have fun with drunk worldedit or some equivalent. Either way, it's not usable. The nether is set such that any time a chunk gets unloaded, it resets to its original form. This means you can raid the same ore deposit or dungeon over and over. It also means if you die your grave gets immediately erased(and given the responsiveness of mods, you're not getting it back). The end is supposed to be full of a number of ores, particularly tungstate and scheelite, but the end generated as a void world for some reason, so you can't get those ores. You need to use the infernal deconglomerator, just scale it up and chunkload it for a few days to get enough to get past the end. Basically, if I knew about these problems, I wouldn't have started here; that being said, it's doable with a bit of extra work. You'll also have to deal with basic quality-of-life items being illegal for some reason. On the other hand, I finished the pack and had fun with it. I did lose my items to a glitch once, and while it took several weeks, eventually I got someone's attention, so it is possible. The server is also set to restart at the tiniest hint of lag. It would consistently restart while still running at 20 tps. More than two people on would usually trigger a restart; even one person exploring would be enough. As mentioned, spawn is totally messed up and visiting there would often trigger a restart. Basically, the restart settings need to be loosened. I saw all of these complaints in the discord as far back as the server goes(2 years?), so I'm a little surprised no one fixed them when the server was more active, and I doubt anyone will fix them now, but I wanted to lay them out in one place. Overall, the server is provided for free, so I can't complain too much...but if you want to lure more people, someone needs to fix it. It may be a bit late for that, though. Anyway, it was a positive experience, if frustrating at times. Good minecrafting, everyone!
  2. Everything is perfect! Kaszanka_1234 has been fantastic. He has returned my lost items and kept my current inventory. I was getting so demoralized, but now I have a huge burst of energy and can't wait to play again. Thanks Kaszanka!
  3. I hate to say this, after I asked for two weeks, but...there are a couple of problems. You are totally awesome for responding, no matter what. This was too early, actually, it seems like quite a ways before I died, and so includes a lot that wasn't in my grave. It also doesn't include a lot that was, basically the contents of an entire moon dungeon. I don't really care much about that, except for a transposition sigil containing an alchemical construct spawner, which was one of the important things I was missing. But...more than that...and, again, you're totally awesome...as I mentioned above, I had decided to start progressing again, and so didn't want my inventory overwritten. So 40 hours since then my current inventory was completely full and significantly more advanced than my old one, probably a few dozen hours worth. I would actually be super happy if you could....restore my inventory again? This time to the point just before you overwrote my old inventory. And there are way too many items to remember or list. I'm honestly more demoralized now than I ever was before. And it's my fault for asking. I don't know how to get them back without losing my current playing inventory. (if you really want to get my sigil back, a quick "tmg_restore tfs1 latest" is still the fastest and easiest way, without overwriting anything; I don't know how to do nbt otherwise). I appreciate that you took the time, regardless of the outcome. Just...is there any way to contact me before overwriting my inventory?
  4. Well, it's now been two weeks, and I'm going to start progressing again. I still desperately want my old inventory back, but I have to do something. I'm going to ask on another channel in the discord, hopefully without bothering anyone too much. I don't know how this works normally, but I'm now worried about having my current inventory overwritten. Thanks for any response!
  5. Your Name: tfs1 Island/Claim Owner Name: tfs1 Coordinates: 16631 96 711 (Void World) I've surrounded the invisible block with cobblestone. It was created when crafting with compact machines. This is an occasional problem that has been reported on other multiplayer servers, though I don't see anything official. I've tried using area mining tools, to no effect. When it was formed, the crafting operation failed to give me the result, a dense energy cell (5783). I wouldn't mind having that replaced, though I don't really care that much. I can move my crafting setup to continue using it, so this isn't vital immediately, but eventually I will want to expand to this area. Thanks!
  6. If anyone is willing to restore my inventory, don't even worry about letting me know. I'll try to keep too many expensive items out of my current inventory, and just deal with anything that gets overwritten. My new time in a bottle now has nearly 50 hours on it, and I just want to do something other than stand around and build up time. I really want to get back to playing, and if that means I lose some items, so be it. Or let me know that I'm not getting my inventory back; I suppose that would be closure of a sort. But it's now been a week, and this purgatory is killing me. Thanks!
  7. Your Name: tfs1 Coordinates: Current: Void World somewhere As of inventory rollback: Grave is 16618 56 779(so that is where I was before I died) Moon Location was somewhere north of 6663 -1541 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 1/29/2023 1:00 PM. Description of Issue: I crashed, and when I logged back on 8-10 hours later I suffocated. My grave is located about 11k outside of the border wall, and even with thaumcraft help we were unable to get that far through the constant damage. If someone is planning to restore my inventory, would it be possible to tell me first, so my current inventory doesn't get overwritten? I don't have much, but it would suck to write another one of these rollback requests. If I've been offline for more than a few minutes(i.e., me or the server didn't just crash), than I will have emptied my inventory, just in case. If you're not planning to rollback my inventory, than obviously don't worry about that, but I would appreciate a heads up. I've been mostly afking for the last 20 hours because I don't want to redo anything, so it would be useful to know what's happening. Thanks! Screenshots (Optional):
  8. Hello again. I've been told that Interactions has no server-specific staff at this time, so I guess I'm hoping that someone from another server will take a quick look and notice this thread. I'm hoping the specific command I'm asking for can just be entered in the console without loading up the game at all. Otherwise I realize I'm asking for someone to find and download the appropriate modpack, which could take a few minutes. Here's another suggestion: make me a mod! I realize this would only solve my problem, and also I would try to fix Techno's cyberware problem, since that's still going on, but I'm not planning on sticking around more than a few weeks; I have some important stuff coming up in real life. So, probably a bad idea. But it's there, if no one else wants to deal with this. Regardless, I'll bump the thread to keep it at the top. I don't have anything else to do... Thanks to anyone reading this!
  9. On further thought, the time makes sense; I must not have technically died until I logged back in. So I guess my death was 4ish EST? Something like that, anyway. If restoring a grave is against the rules of the server or something, could you let me know? I've basically spent a couple of days online afk just waiting to hear back. I know it's all psychological, but I'd just feel terrible playing without my stuff; it's basically a few hundred hours crammed in a couple of nice enchanted bags. If I should be submitting an inventory rollback request instead, let me know! I guess the time for the request would be right before my grave was generated, at 9:20:42 PM in central Europe somewhere? Or 3:20 in EST? Thanks for any updates!
  10. I died and my grave is at 11 km outside the world border; would it be possible to get my grave contents restored? My id is tfs1. I think I was returning from the moon when my game crashed; I was falling asleep and didn't really pay attention. I didn't know I had died until I logged back in 10 hours later. Anyway, it should be a simple op command. I think the command is "/tmg_restore tfs1 latest" as long as I haven't died since. I also put this request in the discord before deciding it might be better here. The time according to tomb many graves was 1_29_2023_21_20_42, which doesn't make any sense to me unless the server runs in Novosibirsk Time. In EST it was around 9ish AM. If you need to do an inventory rollback instead for some reason, please let me know first so I don't lose all any new stuff! I know the last thing I picked up was a spawner with a transposition sigil if you need that. Thanks for your help!
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