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  1. will do thank you Issue has been resolved. T/C
  2. they are legit making comments about raping my dead mother infront of my 10 year old
  3. sorry my bad meant to say underclocked0 u guys need to see this chat its brutal i feel a 1 hour mute doesnt do anything
  4. Overclocked0
  5. https://imgur.com/a/1Td9BXp
  6. Continuum. my 10 year old plays this with me and seen some of the convo about how this guy is going to rape my dead mothers corpse. also overclocked0 also i chiming in saying the same stuff. how hes going to kill and rape my sister. and how hes a mod and can shut down the server. heres a link to more of what they have been saying. https://imgur.com/a/6d50rB0 the chat is a mile long
  7. In-Game Nickname: OnyxINTP Underclocked0 Time and date:1/24/2025 around 6:20 ish Description of what happened: (In chronological order) Broke 2 blocks i found in the middle of no where. (unclaimed) and this kid just started losing it on me over it. calling me this and that. making fun of my parents being dead ect. i logged off and out and realized i should of snapped more screen shots of the rest of the convo as it got way worse. this screenshot was just the start of him saying some ruthless stuff i had to leave after asking him to just stop multiple times and he wouldnt. Screenshots or Proof: (Use www.imgur.com) https://imgur.com/a/620m37y List of eyewitnesses: Slarney
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