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Everything posted by MrMorriis

  1. Wagwan bigman @McDonaldsSalad, Guess whos was playing around with the animal troughs today and has once again been disconnected and receiving the remote host messages. Thats right, its me. Could you do the fix again and do you know why it keeps doing it? @brunyman
  2. Hiya, am also having this problem, started a day or 2 ago for me. If you manage to get in contact with someone who can help would you mind asking them to check my account to?
  3. Hi, I raised this issue yesterday but thought I'd put it in the correct spot on here. Me and my friends have done a test by switching accounts and the problem is tied to my account and not my connection to the server as he could connect from his pc on my account. I think @brunyman solved this issue before but not sure what he did. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  4. sadly that hasnt worked Still getting the remote host error @brunyman @McDonaldsSalad
  5. i'll try it again and let you know
  6. Its now giving closed by remote host messages
  7. After the rollback on Monday to solve some of the quest book issues people were experiencing, my friends and I can log onto the server but not interact with anything then after a few minutes get disconnected. were just wondering if this has happened before and theres a solve or do we just have to wait a bit? Thank you.
  8. Hi @brunyman, I had a similar issue to this starting yesterday evening. Any chance you could also look into this? My username is MrMorriis. Thank you!
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