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Thepikfan's Achievements

  1. IGN: DrunkenGeneral rank: sponsor+ requested command: /time set reason: mainly to help with building because it gets hard to see in high areas with fog and night, and also would be useful for mobs that can spawn at night. thank you
  2. IGN: DrunkenGeneral rank: sponsor+ requested command: /time set reason: mainly to help with building because it gets hard to see in high areas with fog and night, and also would be useful for mobs that can spawn at night. thank you
  3. Yes, it is for rlcraft
  4. IGN: Drunkengeneral Rank: sponsor+ Command: world edit Reason: I want to use this command for base building. Thank you
  5. IGN: Drunkengeneral Rank: sponsor+ Command: world edit Reason: me and my clan allies are building a big base and I would like to get this command because if would greatly help in the building of our base and future projects. Thank you
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