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tanithsfinest last won the day on August 6 2023

tanithsfinest had the most liked content!

tanithsfinest's Achievements

  1. Your Name: tanithsfinest Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine) 1/8/2023, any time before 11:00 AM Pacific time Description of Issue: was killed multiple times by hiddencreaper, while i was inside my house and he could attack through walls with a RM sword. lost a suit of quantum, a transmutation tablet, and some lesser gear. Screenshots (Optional):
  2. Your Name: tanithsfinest Coordinates: (use format xyz: 4071, -3551, 72 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine) 1/8/2023, any time before 11 AM Pacific time Description of Issue: user named hiddencreaper built a massive cobble wall around my claim, apparently he's a known griefer who came back from a ban Screenshots (Optional): UPDATE: Please disregard this post, a player lent me a RM hammer and I removed the offending cobble myself. thanks though!
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