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Rhyno580's Achievements

  1. Account Name: Rhyno580 Rank: Sponsor Requested Commands^: 1: World Edit, 2: /speed 3: /TP 4: /workbench Reason for Request*: 1- World Edit for faster/easier building and area prep. as well as resetting areas after removing my claims or working on a different project. 2- Speed for quicker traversal and simply returning my speed to normal (Been stuck at flight speed 7-8 since losing Top Voter position/commands 2-4 months ago). 3- TP is useful for quick access to remote areas/biomes far from any of my claims or spawn(s). 4- Workbench is just useful to have for crafting on the go.
  2. I just realized this is for Tekkit not Tekkit 2, I don't know how to delete this so I'm reposting in the proper forum.
  3. Thats what I thought but it says I don't have permission. My best guess is that it was removed with the other top voter commands.
  4. Account Name: Rhyno580 Rank: Sponsor Requested Commands^: 1: World Edit, 2: /speed 3: /TP 4: /workbench Reason for Request*: 1- World Edit for faster/easier building and area prep. as well as resetting areas after removing my claims or working on a different project. 2- Speed for quicker traversal and simply returning my speed to normal (Been stuck at flight speed 7-8 since losing Top Voter position/commands 2-4 months ago). 3- TP is useful for quick access to remote areas/biomes far from any of my claims or spawn(s). 4- Workbench is just useful to have for crafting on the go.
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