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Everything posted by BYB

  1. 落魄谷中寒风吹,春秋蝉鸣少年归。 荡魂山处石人泪,定仙游走魔向北。 逆流河上万仙退,爱情不敌坚持泪。 宿命天成命中败。仙尊悔而我不悔。 早岁已知世事艰,仍许飞鸿荡云间。 一路寒风身如絮,命海沉浮客独行。 千磨万击心铸铁,殚精竭虑铸一剑。 今朝剑指叠云处,炼蛊炼人还炼天。
  2. I plan to rent an Alibaba Cloud server with my friends to run the RLcraft client on it
  3. Why does this guy have such great malice towards the so-called 'furry'?
  4. the guy killed me again, what's the problem with the guy
  5. In-Game Nickname: (NilocHalmasar ) Time and date: UTC-6 2024/12/1 23:28 Description of what happened: I was never familiar with this guy, but I was chased for no reason This guy killed me for no reason on the land I declared earlier, and then took away all my things,NilocHalmasar referred to players with animal skins (This also includes me, my game nickname is YWT_SA_EXCELLET) as Fury and used weapons to locate their bases to kill them,I have forgived him once before, as the saying "To err is human; to forgive, divine." But , he sees it as weakness. And found my village cultivation base and killed my villagers (evidence below), please stop this kind of bullying in the server, not only targeting me, but also newcomers. I may not retrieve my item, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could uphold justice. Screenshots or Proof: Figure 1 bullying first time Figure 2 bullying second time and Destroyed my village Figure 3 NilocHalmasar referred to players with animal skins (This also includes me, my game nickname is YWT_SA_EXCELLET) as Fury Figure 4 Although he killed me in my claim, he still tried to argue Figure 4 "__ali was killed by NilocHalmasar using [Furry shredder]." too List of eyewitnesses: If your complaint has been found void, do not make another one! Thanks for your help keeping our servers clean.
  6. ok, the guy has already returned the item to me
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