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Everything posted by Digital_gold

  1. Damn it's been a long time. Great memories indeed
  2. deus vult infidels
  3. que que que
  4. 33 seconds.
  5. Good ol' times indeed, Arino.
  6. I Don't really care ghosts. He's on twitch now i think.
  7. no myiume here. and the origins of this topic are from a long time ago.
  8. Ciupz a venit sa va omoare familionu
  9. http://nooooooooooooooo.com/
  10. Wtf
  11. Just =)).
  12. Im glad were safe now
  13. hate dat song
  14. Dat song
  15. DAT MUSIC. Didnt know from where it came from
  16. I'll ban you if you talk about him. Forum/Server.
  17. Haur will kill you because you murdered sloth. -sloth
  18. Fetești, împreună cu ciupz.
  19. FetestiCity
  20. Next time vizit baia mare!
  21. Not mad, hungry
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