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RaivisM last won the day on October 26 2018

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  1. i also need transfer IGN is: Rav115, offline IGN is: RaivisM
  2. Thanks now all the Quests are fixed only ones left what arnt are the space ones where i need to visit different planets/worlds and also the 2 mob ones Quest #267 and #268 where i need to kill 50 withers or 50 dragons i suggest changing them to detection quest where you need to have like 50 nether stars or 50 dragon scales in your inventory for them to be compleated
  3. And Also space station dosnt create new world whenever you creat new space station container everyone in server gets fatal error and when you try to send it up in space everbody agian get fatal error and the world what should be created up there dosnt exists.
  4. There are some quests what are imposible do to server changes or small world or crafting recepies not working so i will list them and some ways to fix them Quests #77; #78 and #101 need a hidden quest for them to be compeated that hidden quest is #296 Rolling Machine / Implosion Compressor that quest normaly should compeat when eather you compleat quest #158 or when you compleat queast #74 i suggest you do command /bq_adim complete 296 (username) or you can edit the quest book itself and remove the need for that quest in those 3 quests Quest #46 is impossible cause need Item placeholder what you cant get but i guess you cant really fix it since even in signlepayer you cant do it but still you could fix it by just adding that placeholder in shop or edditing the quest book itself Quests #163; #164 and #165 are imposible cause recepies dosnt work and in singleplayer those recepies do work fixing space might fix those 3 quests but not sure Quest #241 is imposible casue for some reason horse breeding dosnt work and Quest #230 need mushroom cow and i have traveld forever and havnt fount any in the entire server so i suggest just adding spawn eggs in server shop for rare animals like Mules, Mushrooms, Ocelots, Lamas, Polar Bears, Donkeys, Horses There are Bunch more quest what need accest to different worlds and those worlds are imposbbile to reach since space still isnt fixed Hope you all can do something about those quests
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