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Everything posted by CyberEagle50

  1. a more equal connection, i might soon change the ISP for a private one so that i can get a unlimited bandwidth plan.
  2. We have opened a beta TeamSpeak server. If it gets a lot of people online, then we will consider moving it to the server cluster! There are Channels for everyone!
  3. digi is dat you in you childhood? =)))))))))))))))))
  4. dat ciupz OP
  5. Because....Automobile & seria filmelor
  6. sushi, fun times eh?
  7. Merry Christmas to everyone and let's hope that we will became famous in the next year.
  8. mine started 3 days later because of exams, but i have 3 weeks of free-of-school time
  9. u mad bro?
  10. actually when i was learning java, a lot of time we're coding with minecraft open
  11. ehem wardermir dem post-hunter DA
  12. NEVAH okok obey to nea haur
  13. i can assure you it's true
  14. dat evil sLemn
  15. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAHfZNPoLW0"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAHfZNPoLW0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
  16. For this special holiday we made a special dungeon that was made for the experienced players,you can see the features and screenshats below: Features: 1.More harder enemies. 2.Nether/Halloween theme. 3.Co-op/Team support. 4.Special boss room,with the staff watching you. 5.Custom boss/chest loot. Makers: SirMajestick Idea,terraforming & building McMod5000 NPC/Mine programmer,redstoneer & terraforming Digital_gold Terraforming,NPC programmer & builder ElementSkate Terraforming & Main Builder. Screenshots:
  17. Need help with anything? Don't be shy and PM me or use skype.

  18. tru dat
  19. no there will be 2 assassins creed servers
  20. yeah MW3 ending is also a very sad one
  21. for me it's mass effect 3
  22. indeed Android FTW Myself havin an iPhone atm :lol: and Android in the past
  23. ok you can add me on skype and i can help you with the unusual mods
  24. you get the Minecraft Forge installer and go trought it and then launch MC and close it then go to .minecraft and drop allof your mods into the new mods folder
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