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Everything posted by kgb222

  1. Change your JVM to Eclipse J9: Download While installing remember where's it installed, in my case its: C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk- Now after installing done open your minecraft and go to your Change JVM Executable or Java Executable Now change folder to your install location with jre/bin/javaw.exe It should looks like that: C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\jre\bin\javaw.exe Now you can set ur Java Arguments i recommend you to use only -Xmx<how much ram allocate> for me its -Xmx7G only, no other parameters because game can ocassionaly crash Change your Forge settings: If your game started Go to Mods, Click on Minecraft Forge and click Config on left bottom, click Client Settings and change "Force threaded chunk rendering" from false to true Now your game should work better
  2. Kill all brainless peoples god pls

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