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Sponsor+ @brunyman


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Hi all,


Im making this post because i have one doubt


If i buy rank Sponsor+, can change in my name the  of [sponsor] for [YT]?



Thank for read my post.


yes, it is possible, just let me know what prefix you want


xD the "Y" dont appear but i want to have this prefix [YT] the Y dont appear but is white


The prefix will be in mc colors &c[&fY&4T&c]

  • Founder

You also have helper on network? So your prefix will look like this?:   [YT][Helper] ElGamesHD or [s+][YT][Helper] ElGamesHD

or your colors: [YT][Helper] ElGamesHD , but i think it looks better like this [YT] or [YT]


You also have helper on network? So your prefix will look like this?:   [YT][Helper] ElGamesHD or [s+][YT][Helper] ElGamesHD

or your colors: [YT][Helper] ElGamesHD , but i think it looks better like this [YT]


Change Helper for Judge, I've been promoted :D [s+][YT][Judge] ElGamesHD


just wanted to let you know that crowd is spelled wrong on info for SP+ for WA atleast


LOL so when you buy SP+ it removes your previous rank. even if a staff member

  • Founder

yes, it does, because multiple ranks need to be set be us, because of limitations on buycraft



Change Helper for Judge, I've been promoted :D [s+][YT][Judge] ElGamesHD

Well then, that will be your prefix then :P


yes, it does, because multiple ranks need to be set be us, because of limitations on buycraft



Well then, that will be your prefix then :P


Ok im going to buy sponsor+


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