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[BUG] JoeDirtDigger - fluids not casting to ingots

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Account Name:  JoeDirtDigger
Description of the Issue: 

I'm unsure if this is a known issue. but here it goes. I currently have some fluids that I got from dimensions that the smelter seems unwilling to do anything with. I can fill the smelter with said fluid (electrical steel for this example)

I can access the interface and it tells me i have 180 ingots in the smelter in liquid form

I have casting basins with faucets and ingot casts

I have tried it with my drains facing either direction to insure that wasn't the problem

but it still refuses to pour from the smelter to the casts

I've also noted i can not right click the tank with a bucket to get a bucket worth of fluid electrical steel from the tank directly. I can walk over to a lava tank and pull a bucket of lava just fine.

any ideas on whats going on?





Yeah, some of EnderIO molten alloys cannot be turned into solid form (electrical steel, energetic, vibrant, etc.) so they in liquid form are useless. Sorry about that. 


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