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[Rollback Request] Town rollback


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Account Name: Jacobb303

Town name: / Character name : ( depending what you want the rollback for ) WolfWaterRidge (town)

Coordinates: x:1937 y:95 z:2440

Time/date[time/date you want it rolled back to]: 9/10/17 6:20pm Pacific Standard Time

Description of Issue: I forgot my Draconic Staff of Power was set on 7x7x7 mode, and i went to mine something in my base, and created a giant whole in my wall and ceiling

*Screenshots: ( Not necessary but helpful. )



2 days later, no staff has responded to this. I guess I will repair the damages myself and just forget about all the items i lost....   I think its time for Craftersland to hire a few more staff members for the Infinity Evolved server, so people in worse situations than mine aren't left for days with no response.


Hello there,

The only person that can rollback a town is Brunyman himself. He is a very busy person, so these kinds of problems are only taken care of on mondays and fridays.

He did do maintenance yesterday, it may have been before you made this post though.




Understandable. I repaired the damages to my house, I did loose a few items but its nothing that cant be replaced. The rollback isn't needed anymore, you may close the topic


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