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Refund Request (AGAIN)


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Account Name:


Item name + item ID (item ID optional, but very helpful) (Rough estimations)

Draconic Chest 

8 Stacks of Iron

9 Stacks of Copper

4 Stacks of Tin

5 Stacks of Gold

6 Stacks of Silver

Time/date[time/date when "WHAT" happened]:

2:40pm 28/10/2017

Description of Issue:

I went down my base while my draconic chest upstairs was smelting ALL of my ores from the mining I did for my base. I went back up, found all these troll Halloween bats around and my draconic chest was replaced with obsidian which meant all my ores and ingots were gone and replaced by one piece of obsidian.

Evidence (optional, but recommended):

You can check logs apparently for the evidence, that's what I got told.


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